What is candida

Thursday 30th April 2020

Candida (also sometimes referred to as a thrush, yeast or fungal infection) is a single cell, plant-like fungi. It starts life as a yeast, which everybody…

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Celiac disease

Tuesday 14th April 2020

Coeliac disease (pronounced see-liac and spelled celiac in other countries) is an autoimmune disease, not an intolerance as is often assumed. This means that the body's immune system attacks its own tissues, through the production of antibodies.…

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Monday 6th April 2020

Broadly speaking, the aim of any detox programme is to eliminate toxins from the body that have accumulated over time, resulting in a healthier and more energised you. There…

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Thursday 26th March 2020

Quinoa is a fantastic example of plant-based protein, which not only offers a viable alternative for meat and other animal products, but also supplies a…

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Friday 13th March 2020

What puts the "super" into superfoods? The expression "superfood" has been used for many years now, but what does it actually mean? And do these foods provide the answer to your nutritional goals, or is it all just hype? Well,…

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Building muscle

Tuesday 10th March 2020

Basic steps for gaining muscle Increasing your muscle mass can be frustrating when you don't immediately see the results you want, but the most common reasons for slow or…

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Super acai berries

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

A bit about acai Acai berries, previously considered an exotic fruit, have now become a virtual staple in almost every supermarket's collection of health foods and supplements. No longer…

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How to stop diarrhoea

Wednesday 26th February 2020

Diarrhoea is an increase in the frequency of bowel movements or a decrease in the form of the stool (i.e. greater looseness and water content). It is usually a symptom of an underlying…

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Antioxidants for health

Friday 14th February 2020

Antioxidants are beneficial compounds found in certain natural foods, such as fruit, vegetables, grasses, grains etc and even some animal products (such…

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Start losing weight

Thursday 30th January 2020

Let's face it, no one is at their ideal weight all the time and more often than not, you could stand to lose a few pounds rather than putting some on. Luckily, this blog post will…

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